How to Remove Nail Polish Stains Without Harming Your Floors

Keeping your wood floors clean involves following regular cleaning practices and maintenance measures. But what happens if somebody spills nail polish on the floor? Stains like these are stubborn and can be very difficult to clean up. Here's how to remove nail polish stains without damaging the finish on your flooring.
Depending on the color of the nail polish stain and how long the polish has been sitting on the floor, you may find success with a natural solution like rubbing alcohol. For stubborn, ground-in polish stains, soak a few cotton balls in rubbing alcohol, or cut a square of cloth that matches the size of the stain and let it saturate. Lay the material over the nail polish stain, and let it set there for a few minutes before gently scrubbing out the polish (you shouldn't have to use too much elbow grease). Rubbing alcohol can remove most layers of nail polish with ease. If you notice the polish coming out but there is still some on the floor, repeat the process. Keep massaging the area until it's all clear.
Another method of removing nail polish stains involves using you guessed it nail polish remover. Be careful when you attempt this method, because acetone could potentially damage the top layers of the floor's finish, according to SFGate. Use a Q-tip to apply remover to the blemished area only, and then follow up with the hairspray method below.
Aerosol hair product is a great way to conclude this process by ensuring no tiny, hard-to-see spots remain. Spray the area with your hairspray, wipe it up with a wet cloth and then scrub it with hot, soapy water. Repeat the process until the stain is removed, and on your last go-around, clean the area completely with a natural Oil Soap to ensure hairspray isn't left behind.
Keep your floors clean, maintained and stain-free with these tips, and you'll know how to remove nail polish stains each time you're touching up your fingers and toes. Remember to use a safe, natural cleaner for your regular cleanings to prevent buildups of harsh chemicals or other leftover products. When stains are too much for these remedies, or if you question your ability to handle buckling or warping, don't hesitate to contact a professional.
This article was brought to you by Colgate-Palmolive Company, the makers of Murphy® Oil Soap. The views and opinions expressed by the author do not reflect the position of the Colgate-Palmolive Company.